DRAKEN: Ancient Heroes and the Seven Races

Draken NFT
5 min readJan 29, 2022


The first realm war was devastating to say the least. In times of hardships, heroes rise. Each hero fought for something. Most of all, they all did what they had to do for their people.

The Ancient Heroes from The Seven Realms

To be featured is one of the first to rise, the first who was made; C-000.

C-000, Onyx’s Shield

C-000 or Cyborg-000 was V1KT0R’s first successfully created Cyborg.

C-000 was initially programmed to be V1KT0R’s helper. After making peace in Onyx in the year 8030, V1KT0R saw no use for the ‘warrior’ type of programming in his cyborgs. All the violence was done and this was a time where progress can push forward and prosper. After fixing up all of the cyborgs, all he saw was potential, a race that can take technological advancements higher than the skies.

V1KT0R was frustrated when he heard about the first waves of Kurayami’s attacks. At first, he didn’t mind it. Confidence of Onyx’s defense mechanisms. That confidence soon faltered when the Akumas, led by Ashura, breached Onyx’s shield and devastated the city. Going underground, he activated the ‘Berserker Program.’ With a singular salty tear, he watched once again as his children fought a supposed unnecessary war.

There are more heroes to come… stay in tune.

The great heroes of ancient times thrived on the culture of their people. To get a feel for what they could be and what they were, let’s dive into the Seven Races in Draken’s world:


Realm: Ragun

A Citizen of Ningen from Ragun

Mortals blessed by gods. They are the weakest among the races but what they lack in ability and power, they make up with numbers. A race blessed with heart and passion. They may not live long, but they live the fullest.


Realm: Onyx

A Lone Cyborg from the Onyx Realm

Humanoids that have emerged from the union of flesh and steel. At their core is a mysterious energy that now one has ever seen. With the help of their cutting-edge technology, they have left behind the limits to which mortals can reach.


Realm: Kurayami

A Fierce Akuma from Kurayami Realm

Beings born from darkness and inhabitants of Kurayami Realm. Molded from Ashura’s image himself, they embody their master’s greatest desire — power. Akumas are wild and chaotic, they laugh while the innocent scream. Havoc is their idea of fun.


Realm: Amarok

A Battle-Scarred Yaksha from Amarok

Half beast and half-human. A strong race with astonishing abilities that surpasses a normal human being. They are generally peaceful, caretakers of nature and the spirits. Do not provoke them though, what comes with their protective nature is a nasty bite.


Realm: Hisui

A Wise Scholar from Hisui

High beings possessing vast amounts of knowledge about the universe. They are creatures who are deeply committed to studying and understanding every phenomenon in the cosmos. Generally reserved, they are the strategists, the tacticians.


Realm: The Citadel

A Survivor from The Citadel

Godly beings known to be the most superior of all . They devote their lives to fulfilling their mission as the keeper and maintainer of the realms. Sadly, only a few survived the first realm war. Scarred by losing their lives and their homes, they now dwell in silent yearning for a purpose.

The Missing Link: Aether

Realm: Kusho

The Missing Link

The only known Aether was Kusho’s Sentinel herself, Celes. Legend says that Celes is the mother and creator of all. The source of life and being. She created everything out of her own soul. And, her power and existence embody the universe itself. With Vague records that accounted for what truly happened during the first realm war, not much is known now from this lost realm. A mystery… simple a mystery…

Draken will soon unleash it’s 5000 unique warriors. A collection of generative warriors inspired by the Japanese Ukiyo-e art style. Drawing on a pool of hundreds of different traits, each character is a unique piece of art.

Gear: 37 Pieces of Armor |44 Weapons |11 Piercings |8 Helmets |24 Masks

Body: 33 Mouths | 86 Hair styles|46 Eye Variations | 6 Body Types

Atmosphere : 7 Backgrounds

What’s Next?

To know more about the lore behind Draken’s world, follow us on Twitter and Instagram. To be the first to know about everything that’s happening, join our Discord!

More to come.

Draken: Rifters Unleashed will start minting this February 2022.

