The Lost Relics of Draken

Draken NFT
3 min readJan 19, 2022


What one doesn’t know about the Adventurer’s Guild is that here, you can get a lot more than just booze and quests.

The Adventurer’s Guild featuring Maraad the Innkeeper

A quick chat with the Inn Keeper, Maraad, can lead you to a secret library — for the right price of course. Inside are lost relics. Pages from the past discussing lost worlds and forgotten histories. Drips and drabbles about the legends, the greats, and the master craftsman himself, Draken.

What catches one’s eye upon entering the dark and dusty space of the secret library are the littered pages on the desk. Again, one questions, “how does an inn keeper get a hold of all these artifacts?”

Peering over the mess of historical treasure, not allowed to touch. Here are some sneak peaks for that hefty satchel of gold; along with some commentary from Maraad himself:

Atsuhi Sato’s Katana

“Atsuhi Sato, they say he was such a sweet young man. That was saying something compared to how ruthless his father was. I mean I wonder how a such a rigid old tree like Shinchoku’s Shogun bore such a nice fruit.”

This Katana was Draken’s gift to the son of Shinchoku’s Shogun. Young Draken was good friends with young Atsuhi Sato. Atsuhi was well on his way to graduation on top of his class in the noble Shinchoku Military Academy. To commemorate the Day, Draken wanted to give Atsuhi a special Katana whose guard replicates the delicate waves lapping at the shores of Odayaka Beach, the staple of their childhood hometown.

Draken pins down The Great Ashura

“That was such a dark day. No one saw it coming. There were so much lost. I don’t know who made this but I would like to think he or she survived that day to have drawn this scene in such detail.”

Historians say that this piece depicts that moment Draken momentarily pinned down the great Ashura with a surprise attack. This was that horrid day of ‘The Fracture’. Not knowing his own strength and fueled with anger, Draken dashed passed attacking Akumas straight to a distracted Ashura. Amused, Ashura took note of a stranger’s face that day. A measly Ningen that he surprisingly didn’t sense coming towards him. This feat to tumble the enemy was short-live as a close Akuma soldier was ready to pounce on the vengeance blinded Draken.

The Ruins of the Citadel

“Ha! I wish I could’ve seen that beauty in its glory days. Now it’s just vines and rubble ransacked by thieves. Although, the ruins of it do still have a particular unique charm.”

These were the ruins that remained of the Citadel, the high castle of Archeon, years after the first realm war. Once a glorious land that represented valor and perfection, now left to merge back with nature. The Akuma’s may have burned this realm almost to dust but it still stands. Within its crevices are treasure, secrets, and history that are waiting to be discovered.

“That’s it! That’s it for now!”

Draken’s history runs deep. More lost relics are to come. More stories are too be told…

Wait! I want to know more!

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See you there.

— Draken Team

